1823 - Bylaws
Article: 1.
The Lodge shall meet at the lodge room in Fort Wayne on the Monday preceding each full of the moon and at such other times as the Worshipful Master may think proper or the person presiding shall deem necessary.
Article: 2.
Extra meetings may be called at the request of any brother, he paying the expense of the same, and no business shall be done at such meeting except that for which it was convened, unless a majority of the Brethren present shall agree to the contrary in which case the expense shall be paid by the Lodge.
Article: 3.
The fees for initiation shall be $8.00; for passing to the degree of Fellow Craft $4.00, and for raising to the sublime degree of Master Mason $3.00, and for admitting a member from any foreign Lodge $2.00, which fees shall severally be paid in advance.
Article: 4.
The Secretary shall receive $1.00 for each Diploma. The Tyler shall receive 50¢ for each regular meeting and be exempt from evening dues.
Article: 5.
The fines for nonattendance shall be as follows to wit, for the nonattendance of the Worshipful Master 25¢, Senior and Junior Wardens 25¢ each, the Secretary and Treasurer 25¢ each, the Senior and Junior Deacons 12½¢ each, the Stewards and Tyler 25¢ each and each member 12½¢ except he or they make a satisfactory excuse for such nonattendance, all which fines when collected shall be paid to the Secretary of the Lodge.
Article: 6.
No brother shall speak in the Lodge unless he arises and addresses the Worshipful Master in the degree the Lodge is working in; and no brother shall speak more than twice on any one subject, unless by permission from the chair. Any brother behaving disorderly during Lodge hours shall be reprimanded by the Worshipful Master.
Article: 7.
Any brother coming into the Lodge intoxicated, shall for the first offense receive a reprimand from the Worshipful Master, for the second offense he shall be suspended, and for the third offense of the same kind as for any unmasonic conduct he shall be expelled if the Lodge thinks proper.
Article: 8.
All balloting shall be confined to a master masons Lodge, and master masons only. And if a motion is made and seconded, the Worshipful Master shall state the question to the Lodge and it shall be determined viva voce (by voice) by a majority of the members present. In case the votes be equally divided, then the Worshipful Master shall have two votes, and in all other cases, but one. In initiating, passing or raising a candidate one negative vote shall reject, but in all other cases, a majority shall govern.
Article: 9.
Any person desirous of being initiated into the mysteries of masonry must first petition the Lodge in writing and such petition must be accompanied with $3.00, also contain a recommendation of his being a fit person, signed by two or more master masons, members of this Lodge, upon which the Worshipful Master with consent of the brethren shall appoint a committee of three master masons, members of this Lodge (from which committee the recommending brethren shall be excluded) to inquire if the petitioner be of such character and circumstance as according to the fundamental rules of masonry he can be initiated. Which committee shall report the results of their inquiry in writing at the next regular meeting if in their power, but no candidate shall be balloted for unless his petition be accompanied with $3.00 as aforesaid. If the ballot be unanimous in his favor he shall be initiated, but in case he be accepted and neglect to attend the Lodge for initiation for the space of three months, the sum accompanying his petition shall be forfeited to the Lodge and if his petition be rejected the sum of $3.00 aforesaid shall be returned to him.
Article: 10.
It shall be the duty of the Worshipful Master to appoint all committees to adjust disputes between the brethren, to inquire into the characters of the candidates, and into the state of the Lodge funds.
Article: 11.
The Worshipful Master or presiding officers shall have the power to appoint all officers pro tem to fill vacancies and to draw on the Treasurer for any sum not exceeding $2.00 for charity purposes.
Article: 12.
The election of officers of this Lodge shall be on the regular nights of meeting before the festival of St. John’s Day in each and every year in December.
Article: 13.
The monthly dues of this Lodge shall be 25¢ and shall be paid at each regular meeting before the Lodge closes. And any member failing so to do before the next regular meeting shall stand suspended until the same be paid. All visiting brethren are exempt the first attendance from Lodge dues.
Article: 14.
Any member charged with unmasonic conduct shall be served with a copy of the charges, which he shall answer in a satisfactory manner within one month or sooner if required.
Article: 15.
Any member wishing to withdraw from this Lodge may be permitted to do the same by paying his dues and giving satisfactory reasons for so doing and then on application shall receive a Diploma by paying the Secretary $1.00.
Article: 16.
Any member wishing to alter add to or amend these bylaws shall give one month notice thereof to the Lodge which notice shall be left with the Secretary in writing and contain a reference to the particular section intended to be altered or amended.
A. Ewing, W.M.
10 June 1823