The Tyler's Sword
A snippet found under the heading: Local Items.
Some time in 1853, a robbery was committed on the Masonic Fraternity of this city, by which, among things valuable, was a sword, which had been presented to Wayne Lodge No. 25, by Colonel Alexander Ewing, one of the pioneers of this city, and the first and appointed Master of the said Lodge. This sword was found soon after in the hollow limb of a linden or basswood tree near Leo, in this county, and was to the finder and those acquainted with the finding – a waif, the history of which remained till now a mystery. It was brought to this office by Peter Notestine a few days ago and was soon after accidentally recognized by Grand Master Bayless, and the fact of identity made certain by others, on which we restored it to the Lodge. Who the thief is, may yet be ascertained from this circumstance, and after that, his name be exposed. Let the craft appoint a committee to make diligent search for the missing property.